Down to Earth: Homecoming
In the final episode featuring astronaut Victor Glover and his daughter, Corinne, they discuss the excitement of returning to Earth from an extended mission on the International Space Station.
In the final episode featuring astronaut Victor Glover and his daughter, Corinne, they discuss the excitement of returning to Earth from an extended mission on the International Space Station.
¿Algunas vez has pensando en visitar un agujero negro? Esperamos que no. Pero si de verdad crees que un agujero negro es tu lugar de vacaciones ideal, debes mirar este […]
NOAA’s GOES-S is encapsulated in its payload fairing inside Astrotech Space Operations in Titusville, Florida, and transported to the Vertical Integration Facility at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral […]
NASA’s Launch Services Program, or LSP, and United Launch Alliance work together to move the Atlas V rocket – payload and all – to the launch pad and launch! Years […]
NOAA’s GOES-S spacecraft, the next in a series of advanced weather satellites, arrives at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center aboard a U.S. Air Force C-5 Super Galaxy aircraft. The satellite’s arrival […]
NOAA’s GOES-S spacecraft is one step closer in the final journey to T-zero, as the booster and Centaur upper stage arrive for inspection. These components will be used to stack […]
The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket reaches another major milestone on the road to T-Zero, as NOAA’s GOES-S spacecraft prepares for launch. Stacking the rocket begins with the booster […]
El viaje de Bennu es una película animada de 6 minutos sobre la misión OSIRIS-REx de la NASA, el asteroide Bennu y la formación de nuestro sistema solar. Nacido de […]
El astronauta de la NASA Frank Rubio explora nuestra novela gráfica ” La primera mujer” y responde a preguntas de estudiantes desde la Estación Espacial Internacional.
We look back on this bold undertaking, which featured helicopters, floating drifters plunging into holes in the ice, and all-night shifts operating a sonic boogie board under endless daylight.
The James Webb Space Telescope is the most powerful space telescope ever made – and the most complex one yet designed. Did you know that the telescope’s history stretches back […]
El rover Perseverance de la NASA llevó el primer helicóptero a la superficie de Marte. Este helicóptero, llamado Ingenuity, tiene que ser muy ligero para poder volar en el planeta […]