Hispan@s de la NASA – Lucas Paganini
Conoce a Lucas Paganini, de Mendoza Argentina, quien inició su carrera como ingeniero, pero su interés por la física y química de los cuerpos celestes lo llevaron a convertirse en […]
Conoce a Lucas Paganini, de Mendoza Argentina, quien inició su carrera como ingeniero, pero su interés por la física y química de los cuerpos celestes lo llevaron a convertirse en […]
Conoce a Carlos Fontanot, Gerente de imágenes de la Estación Espacial Internacional. Tomadas en la Tierra o en el espacio, las imágenes han sido el eje de la carrera de […]
Conoce a la ingeniera mecánica Sarah Yearicks, de origen mexicano y peruano, quien inició en 2015 su trayectoria en en centro de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA como pasante. […]
NASA astronaut Don Pettit and Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Ivan Vagner launched aboard their Soyuz MS-26 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Sept. 11. A little over […]
Coverage of the Departure of the Uncrewed Boeing Starliner Spacecraft from the International Space Station
Dive alongside Dr. Richard Camilli and his team as they explore the undersea volcanoes off of the coast of Santorini, Greece. Testing a suite of autonomous underwater vehicles, the team […]
Go off-road with Dr. Amanda Stockton and her team as they venture into the lava fields of a recently-erupted volcano, studying how quickly microbial life on Earth recovers from such […]
Titan is the only object in the solar system besides Earth with liquid on its surface, making it relevant for the search for life beyond Earth. But instead of water, […]
From the far reaches of space, NASA scientists aim to expand their knowledge of how our ocean, atmosphere, and ecosystems interact with one another through the launch of the PACE […]
An elephant supposedly never forgets, but apparently some metals can have a pretty good memory too! Shape memory metal engineer Othmane Benafan “trains” metal to take specific shapes when prompted. […]
Original Mission Video as aired in July 1969 depicting the Apollo 11 astronauts conducting several tasks during extravehicular activity (EVA) operations on the surface of the moon.
Original Mission Video as aired in July 1969 depicting the Apollo 11 astronauts conducting several tasks during extravehicular activity (EVA) operations on the surface of the moon.