Space Place in a Snap: Why Is the Sky Blue?
Why is the sky blue and not purple, green or orange? It’s all because of how the Sun’s light reaches Earth!
Why is the sky blue and not purple, green or orange? It’s all because of how the Sun’s light reaches Earth!
Whoa! It’s the middle of the day—so why is the sky getting dark? It’s a solar eclipse! A solar eclipse happens when, at just the right moment, the moon passes […]
Do planets outside our solar system, or exoplanets, also have living things? We don’t know! But NASA scientists are looking. They watch the starry skies for planets similar to Earth…
In this episode, find out how GPS works and how it can help you satisfy a late night pizza craving!
Nebulae are far away from Earth. We know what they look like because scientists use powerful telescopes to capture images of them. A nebula can take many different forms and […]
People have been measuring local sea level at certain locations along the coasts for hundreds of years. And NASA has been measuring the global sea level for almost three decades. […]
In this episode, find out how what a black hole is, how they can form, and why they are so cool!
In this episode, find out how our solar system formed and how it came to be the busy place it is today.
Our Moon isn’t the only moon out there. In fact, some planets have a lot of moons!
An aurora looks like a beautiful display of lights in the sky. We can also see auroras from space! The name of an aurora changes depending on its location. If […]